The Mennonites of Bolivia
Trying to keep safe their traditions, Mennonites don't hesitate to leave everything and start from scratch in another country. In Bolivia they have found enough isolation to carry out their lifestyle in its original way.
Trying to keep safe their traditions, Mennonites don't hesitate to leave everything and start from scratch in another country. In Bolivia they have found enough isolation to carry out their lifestyle in its original way.
Cholitas are Quechua and Aymara indigenous women that have been historically discriminated against. In Bolivia these days and for the first time, cholitas are becoming politicians, journalists, businesswomen, etc. Behind every one of these women there is a brave personal journey, often inspired by Evo Morales becoming, ten years ago, the first Amerindian president in the history of the country.
In the wilds of Patagonia, nature imposes its laws making human life a constant struggle against adversity. The descendants of the pioneers that colonized this land continue to lead a way of life where tradition and hard work are essential to survive.
According to genetic research, the Uru are generally recognized as the first major ethnic group to have settled in the Andes high plains, some 4,000 years ago. As a result of successive invasions -pre-Inca, Inca and Spanish-, the Uros became confined to a few small villages in the Altiplano, at about 3700 meters of altitude. Nowadays their survival is threatened by globalization and climate change but they are actively looking for ways in which they could survive without having to give away their unique culture.
We travel the largest river on Earth by boat, from its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, to its source in the Peruvian Andes.
Situated on the southern slopes of the Georgian Caucasus Mountains and surrounded by 5,000 meter peaks, Svaneti is the highest inhabited area in the Caucasus. Beautiful, wild and mysterious, Svaneti is so remote that it was never tamed by any ruler. Today their inhabitants continue to lead a rural life while beginning to profit from the visit of few tourists.
In the desolated Southamerican high plateau, between Chile and Bolivia, nature creates some unique and extreme environments, with volcanoes and colored lagoons, where life has to find its way.
How inhabitants of the Altiplano adapt to some of the world's hardest environments.
Baltasar Ushca, is the last man working in the extraction of ice from the frozen high slopes of Chimborazo, the highest Andean volcano. The blocks of ice, wrapped in grass to keep them from melting, travel in the back of two donkeys to market. A living piece of history.
From the highlands of Chile to the Canary islands, we visit the largests monuments to human curiosity.
Light pollution has stolen the night sky in most of the places where we live. This story shows some of the last places where is still possible to see this wonder once accessible for everyone almost everywhere.
According to Theravada Buddhism, spending some time in a monastery is essential to reach enlightenment. In Laos and some other countries of Southeast Asia, is very common for young boys to spend few months, or even years, as novices. This is the story of some of those boys.
From Península Valdés to Ushuaia and from Punta Arenas to Puerto Montt, Argentinian and Chilean Patagonia exhibits an astonishing intact nature splashed with small villages of authentic character.
When the first signs of gold where discovered in Sierra del Boquerón, back in 1879, a small gold rush started in Tierra del Fuego. After few decades, the mechanized exploitations surrendered to the lack of profitability and left the area to the independent gold seekers. This is the story of the Gesell brothers, the last loners who still seeks for the precious metal.
The southernmost commune in the world is located between Tierra del Fuego, to the north, and Cape Horn, to the south. The island is populated by descendants of the Yaghan, the southernmost indigenous peoples in the world.
Slow travel story
Slow travel story
Slow travel story
Slow travel story
Slow travel story
Slow travel story
Every September, in the island of Pico, the grape harvest takes place on the volcano's lava flows. The ancient constructions using basalt blocks prevent the use of machinery, so all the work must be done the old way.
Un-posed, un-staged photography which features subjects in candid (and often ironic) situations within public places.
Fine Art Gallery